Role: product designer
Team: me, design manager
Timeline: 1 month from onboarding to company owners presentation and developers handoff
Create an omnichannel approach to tracking parcels that is widespread among users, since tracking in implementation is not clear in the wording of texts and looks different in different channels.
30% of calls to the call center are related to the location of the parcel, and 47% of site users come to the site to track a parcel. This is the most requested feature of all the company's digital products.
User Research
Analytical report analysis
Report with the results of the study on the calls reasons to the call center (analytics department).
UX audit of current tracking
Evaluation of current tracking problems
Qualitative and quantitative research
In-depth interviews with site and app users who had tracking issues (45 respondents).
Survey on the main page of the website to find out how users understand the current statuses (1732 respondents)
1. Analytical report
What exactly are they asking about?
Is the parcel available for pickup
The sender specifies whether the recipient has taken the package (because the statuses are displayed with a delay, and the recipient says that he took it)
Clarify what the status "Cargo in the city of the recipient" means
When to expect a courier
Will the package be delivered by courier today
Clarify the status of the forwarded package
Want to get a more accurate status
Clarify additional information about the package
2. UX audit of current tracking system

No visual hierarchy
It is difficult for users to quickly find out the status and understand what information is located where
Difficult to understand and unstructured texts
Not all users clearly understand the meaning of statuses.
Main button at the bottom of the page
Outside of the first screen, it's hard to find the "Know" button.
Differs too much in different products
Texts and visual display of statuses are different at all points of contact with the user.
Non-adaptive website tracking
50% of site users access from mobile devices, you can read the information, but entering data into the fields is very difficult
3. Qualitative and quantitative research
In-Depth Interviews
To better understand the context of tracking usage, find edge cases and understand why a bad tracking experience makes users call the call center, we conducted 45 in-depth interviews with users who actively (1-5 times / month) use tracking on the site and in the app.

We realized that the main problem with statuses is in understanding texts, they are perceived differently by different people.
To better understand how statuses are understood, we launched a questionnaire on the site. (1732 respondents)
How current statuses are understood
"Getting ready to be sent to the city of receiver" — misunderstood by 40%
"Parcel is in the receiver's city" — misunderstood by 33%
"Parcel is now in the receiver's branch" — misunderstood by 10%
Competitors Research

Research Results
Texts should be unambiguous, understandable to both end users and business representatives, more detailed in order to reduce the waiting time for a status change and give a sense of control
The information on the page should be clearly structured: first, the important - the status of the package and what needs to be done - information about the package - actions with the package
It is important to give users visual status anchors - colors and icons, so that in the first seconds of looking at the page it is clear what the status of the package is.
In order to easily and systematically work with edge-cases and increase the consistency of the tracking system, we propose to introduce the concept of "Linked parcels", where to display other "units" of parcels, redirects, returns.
Status text structure
Main status - describes at what stage the parcel is being prepared (prepared for delivery, in transit, at delivery / seen by the courier).
Title - describes at what stage the parcel is within the main status (if it is on the road, then where exactly).
Subtitle - additional information and possible actions.

Visual status structure

Corner cases

Bonus: find your parcel on map concept
🚦 We got buy-in and budgeting from owners and board of directors
👨🏻💻 Mapped statuses to be ready for engineering handoff
🚀 Launched MVP for website and mobile app
📈 Call center parcel tracking calls dropped 30% ➡️ 25%, website tracking page adoption increased